From UNESCO sites to the widespread cultural heritage of the villages, from museum excellences to places of worship, from opera temples to the magnificence of archaeological sites, in all the infinite forms that historical and artistic heritage takes in our country and even beyond its borders: it is here that the Cooperativa per il restauro has been applying its skills, knowledge and abilities for over thirty years.

# Construction site in progress

Grosio (So) - Church of S. Giorgio.

Restoration of the bell tower.

#"Essere Avanti" Award

“Villa Reale di Monza – Restoration and adaptation  of the Court Theatre”

Finalist Project of the IV Edition – “Essere Avanti – In Memory of Claudio De Albertis” Award

Award Ceremony  on 12/18/2023 COOPERATIVA PER IL RESTAURO - Essere Avanti Award Claudio De Albertis (

New paragraph

# Construction in progress

Ponte in Valtellina (So) - Church of S. Ignazio.

Securing the painted plaster on the vault of the first span.

# Construction site in progress

Monza (Mb) - Valorization of the monumental complex of Villa Reale and Park -

Restoration of the Cave of Polyphemus.

# Services

We are convinced supporters of maintenance planning and the implementation of planned conservation interventions, which are the cornerstones on which the Cultural Heritage Code bases its activities of protection and  valorization, aimed at the preservation of cultural heritage.

See services

Milan - Maintenance of the decorative apparatus of the Teatro alla Scala

#Recent construction site

These are our recently completed interventions, with the final touches sometimes still in progress, where the recognition of historical and artistic value is combined with the emotion of returning the asset to the community, which we present to you in a brief gallery.

See construction sites


An essential element of our work is divulgation: the correct use and enjoyment of the asset by the community has to come through a moment of understanding of the conservative act. Communication tools must enable access even for those who are more on the margins, so that culture can be truly inclusive.

See events

"I will show you that the building is just like a living man, and you will see that it must eat to live, just as man does: and thus it gets sick and dies, and likewise, when it gets sick, it often heals. You might say: a building does not get sick and does not die like a man. I tell you that it really does. The building gets sick when it does not eat, that is, when it is not maintained, and it gradually decays, as does a man goes without food, he falls dead. The building does exactly the same, and if it has a doctor when it gets sick, that is, a master who repairs and heals it, it remains in good condition for a long time.." 


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